So, hi. It’s been a while.
First off, you probably know by now that I have a new book coming out on October 13th called Space Throne! It’s kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Solo and would be great for fans of both Pierce Brown’s Red Rising and Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy … or if you liked Ghost Bully—it was written by the same guy.
It’s a strange time to launch something creative. COVID-19 has been bad enough, but now there is this whole thing with the federal presence three miles away from me in downtown Portland.
I’d probably sell more books if I kept my mouth shut, but sometimes life is about more than sales.
The occupying federal force downtown is there against the wishes of our mayor, governor, state attorney general, and most certainly, the people of Portland. And from my point of view, it’s been more of a provocative act than a constructive one.
It is not OK with me.
In fact, I’m pissed. I’m pissed that have to talk about this instead of how I was compelled to write a book because I so thoroughly enjoyed the movie Solo a couple years back. A movie that most people didn’t like. I mean, yeah, the guy who played Han isn’t Harrison Ford, but who is? You got a just as good or better Lando in Donald Glover. I mean, we could have had Donald Glover roving about the Star Wars universe, but nooo, everyone had to stay home and complain about a movie that was a real good time.
Darth Maul, the mother of dragons, and Phoebe-frickin-Waller-Bridge … GAH!
It’s great, the movie is great. The market is wrong. The market is/was wrong.
Oh yeah, and Woody Harrelson, I mean jeez—what do you want? Chewie even had an extra strap to his bandolier.
So, naturally, I wrote a book for a market that doesn’t exist, and at any other time in my life, I’d write a blog post making fun of myself for being a bad business person except there is a federal occupation three miles away.
And that is not OK with me.
Anyway, it seems as though we’re as politically divided as we’ve ever been, and it’s easy to de-humanize the other side. But, I would like to point out that I am a human. Now, I realize that is something an alien might say to convince you otherwise, but stay focused; we’re almost at the end of this blog post.
So, if you know me, or just like my work, please consider this human up in the Pacific Northwest. This isn’t just happening on the page or in a video clip somewhere—it’s happening in a place where people live. It’s happening where I live, just three miles away.
And if you didn’t like Solo, that’s OK, you’re entitled to your opinion. Feel free to drop me a line.