Blog #42: The other blog was forty, but this one is too

Another great week on Bake-Off and one more week closer to the launch of GILM!. I know it’s not on brand for The Great British Bake Off to be my favorite show, but I can’t help it. Sure, this would be a great space for a Halloween recap of fun, spooky shows, but no. We’re going to talk about Paul, Prue, and the gang, as well as progress made in marketing the new book.

A real nail-biter for Saku, and a tough week for Tasha. Pairing hibiscus with ginger? C’mon Saku! Just kidding, this is fake outrage since I obviously can’t taste whatever the contestants are putting forward, but I’ll take Paul and Prue’s word for it. Saku is the glue for the bakers on-screen chemistry this season—or should we say the binding agent? The egg? Xanthan gum? Whatever, she’s a real gem, holding this year’s contestants together, and I hope she keeps finding a way.

Tasha had a spotty week with a cracking signature, last-place technical, and solid showstopper. Good to see her pull through for another week.

Lol, “cracking signature.” Who have I become?

Anyway, the banter between Noel and Alison continues to thrive, making this one of my favorite seasons of the show so far.

So, what about GILM!, you ask?

Welp, five test ARCs (advanced reader copies) are on the way. If those look good, we’ll order more and send them out for reviews and coverage—the whole nine. We got sticker sheets last week in 8x10 and 5.5 x 8.25 formats (same size as the book). Thankfully, the smaller sheet looks better since they can pack easily with the book and are cheaper to make. Those will go out with the ARCs to try and set GILM! apart from the others. We’ll see. Either way, they’re great. Thanks for the idea and design, Ellen!

The manuscript is up on NetGalley and BookSirens, but some folks need to see the book in-hand to review.

That’s about it, really. Other than compiling beats for a sequel if the book takes off.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have some ideas for marketing or would like to be a part of the book launch street team. You can reach me @nicebookbrian on socials or